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Feedback from participants alongside their personal mandalas.





(Click on the mandalas below to pause slideshow)



"My deepest gratitude to you for a truly magical sound bath.

The session was very deep and I experienced a lot of energy in my 3 lower chakras. I went with it throughout the session, feeling at points energies rising up above and into the crown chakra and the lotus petals!!  Throughout the session the didgeridoo sounds and vibrations made me become vibration as I didn't feel my body anymore.
It was even more profound when you stopped playing the didgeridoo and the silence. It echoed with such clarity of being! I felt my left side clearing of emotional blocks. I really didn't and couldn't stir when you played the ending chimes!! Or even open my eyes!! 
Clarity at the end of the session for me was about experiencing more of my creativity.
After the session I have experienced more clearings with some anger energies being able to acknowledge it and then let go of it!"

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